Reading Pictures – Mark Amery
Lunchtime talk
12.00pm 08 June 2022
Mark Amery addresses Mark Adams’ photograph 13.11.2000. Hinemihi. Clandon Park. Surrey, England (2000). Amery was born in Guildford, Surrey, not far from Clandon Park where Hinemihi was installed in the 1890s. Reflecting on his serendipitous connection to the carved whare, he uses this fact to consider displacement as a condition for understanding his own and Māori cultural history.
Mark Amery is an arts writer, curator, broadcaster, arts manager, and editor. Community involvement and accessibility to contemporary art are key interests, as evidenced in his role as Co-Director of Letting Space, and in other local projects. He currently writes for the Dominion Post and is editor of the arts page, Te Hikoi Toi.
This event is part of the Reading Pictures lunchtime talk series. Over the course of Adam Art Gallery’s exhibition Tēnei Ao Tūroa – This Enduring World we paired a speaker with an art work, inviting them to offer their responses by drawing on their particular insights, interests and knowledge.
Mark Adams, 13.11.2000. Hinemihi, Clandon Park, Surrey, England. Nga Tohunga: Wero Taroi, Tene Waitere. hand prints from 10 x 8 inch C41 negatives, 960 x 1540 mm, private collection, Auckland