Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
Gate 3, Kelburn Parade
Wellington 6140
New Zealand


Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery was established through the generous donations of a group of Founding Patrons, led by the Adam Foundation, who saw the potential for a gallery at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

Since opening in September 1999 the Gallery’s operations have been proudly funded by Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

Funds are also raised from grants, sponsorships and donations. These additional resources are crucial to the fulfilment of the Gallery’s vision, as are the relationships we foster with funding agencies, public bodies, institutional partners, corporate supporters, and all the individuals who believe in us and have become patrons over the years. Also included on the list of current patrons are our Board members and Art Collection Trustees, who offer invaluable support through their time and expertise.

Our Adam Art Gallery Patrons’ Programme is designed for individuals who wish to enjoy a special relationship with the Gallery to gain insights into the art world through a tailored programme of events.

Become an Adam Art Gallery Patron.

Visiting the Gallery, talking to friends, family and colleagues about our work, joining our mailing list, attending events, becoming a volunteer. These are all forms of support we value and encourage.

We also encourage gifts and bequests to Ngā Puhipuhi o Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University Art Collection and are happy to talk you through the process. The Art Collection’s acquisition programme is facilitated through the Victoria University of Wellington Foundation and managed by Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery Director.

For information about gifts and bequests to the Art Collection, please contact Senior Development Manager, Victoria University of Wellington Foundation, corinne.barnard@vuw.ac.nz or free phone 0800 842 534.

Our Patrons & Sponsors

Current Patrons
The Chartwell Trust
Sheryl & Paul Baines
Barbara Blake
Helen Beaglehole
Claire Carruthers
Jennifer & Errol Clark
Lady Gillian & Sir Roderick Deane
Jane Meares & Denis Clifford
Beverley Eriksen
Rosalene Fogel
Jenny Harper
Deborah Hart
Rawinia Higgins
Kevin Isherwood
Susan & Richard Laurenson
Catherine Marks
Ann Mallinson
Jane & Denis Meares
Erica McLean
Richard Moss
Pip Oldham
Chris & Kathy Parkin
Kate Parsonson
Jill Robinson
Robin Skinner
Garry & Margaret Simons
Simon Woolf
And others who prefer to remain anonymous

Founding Patrons
Denis & Verna Adam
Erika & Robin Congreve
The Chartwell Trust
The Community Trust of Wellington

Building Patrons
Tim & Helen Beaglehole
John Beaglehole
Rick & Jenny Carylon
Thane Smith
Peter & Deborah Cutfield
Peter & Carolyn Diessl
Alan Gibbs
Jenny Gibbs
Taihuia & Neil Gray
Hirschfeld family
Avenal & John McKinnon
Ivor & Jane Richardson
Turnovsky Endowment Trust
Malcolm & Christine Small
John & Tina Todd
Margaret Trotter

Collection Benefactors
Billy Apple
Jim Barr & Mary Barr
Tim Beaglehole
Gordon H. Brown
Eddie Clemens
Victoria Corner
Peter Lloyd

Our Sponsors