White Fungus
The Consumers of the Future
a commissioned project by White Fungus
22 October 2012 – 10 February 2013
Ron and Mark Hanson, the editors of Wellington and Taipei based White Fungus magazine, were invited to prepare a series of posters to accompany the Wellington Media Collective and Martha Rosler exhibitions. Unfolding over the eight week duration of the exhibition in the Adam’s Window space, this poster sequence and its associated free newsprint publication took this remark by current Prime Minister John Key as a point of departure: “Our children are important… They are the consumers of the future.” Reflecting upon the concrete impact of neo-liberal thinking on Wellington’s urban and architectural fabric over recent decades, the White Fungus brothers talk back at local brandings of the city as New Zealand’s ‘Creative Capital.’ An emphasis on print publication ties the magazine’s zine aesthetic to a legacy informed by the Wellington Media Collective, and the project proposed the protest poster as at once a mode of still-contemporary activism and the formal expression of a local style. The Adam Art Gallery ran a Poster Competition to accompany the White Fungus commission, judged by Wellington Media Collective, White Fungus, artist John Lake, and Kate Daellenbach, School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria University of Wellington.
This exhibition was staged concurrently with Martha Rosler, The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems and We Will Work With You! Wellington Media Collective 1978-1998.
Installation view, White Fungus, Consumers of the Future, Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi, Victoria University of Wellington, 2012. Photo: Robert Cross
KeyPixel, 2013. Design: Hayden Currie. Winning entry to the ‘Consumers of the Future’ Adam Art Gallery/White Fungus open-entry Poster Competition
Children Are Important, 2013. Design: Nigel Brown. Winning entry to the ‘Consumers of the Future’ Adam Art Gallery/White Fungus open-entry Poster Competition
Untitled, 2013. Design: Tao Wells. Winning entry to the ‘Consumers of the Future’ Adam Art Gallery/White Fungus open-entry Poster Competition